
    Seven Factors That Affect Cloud’s Longevity

    This article looks at some of the major factors that have allowed it to continue on as a viable technology and how it has evolved in the past few years.

    1. Cloud computing is cheaper than buying your own hardware.

    Businesses need to keep every cost down, especially during periods of economic downturn, so when customers can reduce costs with cloud services they are sure to take advantage of it whenever possible. This means that even if you don’t see any immediate benefit to using cloud services for your business, there may be considerable savings realized in the long run by switching over. If you’re still not convinced then just hear me out on some of these other factors that contribute to its longevity.

    2. Automation and Elasticity

    The nature of automation and elasticity makes it easy for organizations that work with cloud-based applications and services to scale to meet increased demand and reduce costs. Cloud-based applications can also be automated to do things like schedule updates, backups, etc., as well as respond to predetermined events.

    3. Ease of use

    Cloud computing is about making your life easier which means that ease of use should be one of the major factors that you consider when deciding whether or not you’re going to make the switch. Many companies are already using cloud services because they’re easy enough for anyone in the office (yes CEOs I’m talking about you) to get started without having to wait around for help from IT. You really don’t need much more than an internet connection and a credit card number before you can start taking advantage what it has to offer.

    4. Cloud services are designed for collaboration

    One of the main things that make cloud-based applications so popular is the fact that they have been designed from the ground up to be more collaborative than their on-premise counterparts. In order to fully appreciate what this means you first need to understand some of the issues with traditional, on-premise software: Who can access it? Is it properly configured? How do I share my work with others? What happens when someone leaves our company and all of their stuff gets left behind? Collaboration has a lot of different meanings depending on who you ask but I’m going to go ahead and simplify it a bit by saying that one person should never have to put together a presentation by themselves anymore. Cloud-based applications simply make it easier for team members to share and collaborate on their work.

    5. Open source alternatives

    As more people become aware of some of the major security flaws that exist with many legacy cloud computing services, they are starting to turn to open-source alternatives like their own Cloud or Seafile. The fact that these services are open source allows you an unprecedented amount of power over your data. You can download them, install them on your own server, configure them according to your needs, and do pretty much whatever you want without having to worry about what anyone else is doing with them or wondering if you should trust someone who developed the service itself.

    6. End user demand

    When companies know that there is definitely an uptick in demand for cloud services they will usually investigate it further to see exactly what kind of benefits, if any, it can offer them. This means that once you start using these services yourself and become accustomed to how they work you’ll probably want to convince your boss or colleagues that it’s worth switching over. After all the last thing you want is someone else hitting their head against a wall trying to get something done on software that just doesn’t perform as well as other options which could ultimately lead them right back where they started (on-premise).

    7. Cloud security has significantly improved

    If there is one area in which data centers still trail far behind other providers, however, its security? Many organizations overlook this fact, however, which has resulted in an increase in the number of breaches that are becoming public knowledge. If you do your research and let your boss know about things like password security (multi-factor authentication) as well as how it’s impossible for anyone to gain access to their data without people like you knowing about it then they will quickly realize that cloud computing no longer needs to be feared.


    In the last decade, we have seen a lot of changes in technology, especially in the area of cloud computing. There has been tremendous growth in this field so far and many businesses have realized that it is beneficial for their business over other alternatives available. Cloud computing has changed our lives and nothing can stop its further development.

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