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Nightfalls are among the most challenging activities within Destiny 2 on higher difficulties. For Guardians, they offer rewards for matches. Every week, at least 1 Nightfall weapon can be in the rotation and it may drop after Nightfall completes. The higher difficulty levels have better odds Guardians who are willing to fight Grandmasters will receive the Adept version of the weapon in the game that week.
The season known as Plunder brings two classic Nightfall weapons that had sunset with Beyond Light Mindbender’s Ambition and The Militia’s birthright. Mindbender’s was the most powerful weapon in the Crucible, and there’s a good chance it will return to metagames this year. Both weapons will come with a brand new set of bonuses, including the Vanguard Origin trait. The Adept version is for those who want to take on the Grandmaster Nightfall activities this season.
What Is The Destiny 2 Nightfall Weapon This Week?
This Destiny, 2 Nightfall weapon from October 11 until October 18 is Horror’s least Pulse Rifle, a Rapid-Fire Frame weapon that deals Arc damage.
The current Nightfall attack will be The Lightblade, which takes place in Savathun’s Throne World. The aim is to rescue an artifact from the remains of an Oryx. Many people regard this as one of the toughest Nightfalls within Destiny 2, especially on Grandmaster’s difficulty. When completed, it allows players to achieve the Horror’s lowest.

Grandmaster Nightfalls have been restored from October 4. Players can now gain Adept variants of Nightfall weapons after participating in each week’s Nightfall game on Grandmaster difficulty.
As in Trials of Osiris, Adept weapons gain +3 to every stat once masterwork is completed. It is also the standard +10 masterwork stat. They’re the only guns to provide strong Adept mods, making them worthwhile to seek out whenever they’re in stock.
Nightfall Weapon From October 11 To October 18
You’ll assign to the small group comprising three Guardians. It means you’ll have to collaborate to ensure that you complete the task in the shortest duration. The quicker you beat numerous enemies, the higher your score at the conclusion at the end of Nightfall. There’s no matchmaking available for this mode of play. Therefore, make sure you are armed with various allies before you begin Nightfall.
This guide covers all the information you must be aware of tonight’s Nightfall along with Nightfall.
- Nightfall: The Lightblade
The Nightfall Weapon: Mindbender’s Ambition - The Fire Pit: When they are destroyed, Acolytes spawn fire pools that can cause damage over time.
- Champions: Barrier and Unstoppables, which have been increased
Shielded Foes: Arc and Solar shields - Cosmic Superconductor: Arc and Solar users have experienced increased Super-regeneration. However, they suffer physical injury from any source.
- Enfilade: There’s more ammunition for Machine Guns. However, there is less ammunition than other Power weapons.
- The Acute Arc Burn is +25% of Arc damage caused, and 50 of Arc damage sustained.
We recommend finishing the Nightfall with higher difficulty levels to have the best chance of getting that weapon towards the conclusion of the battle.

Destiny 2 Nightfall Weapon Schedule
The currently available Nightfall weapon changes every week according to its being reset every week. Destiny 2 weekly reset at 5 pm UTC every Tuesday. There are currently six weapons in rotation in the Nightfall loot pool. These are:
- The Hothead
- Duty Bound
- Silicon Neuroma
- D.F.A.
- Horror’s Least
- Mindbender’s Ambition
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